Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Gardenia Bread
Gardenia bread is delivered to stores 5 days a week, so how do we know which bread is fresh besides looking at the expiry date? Here's how. Gardenia bread has different colours to differentiate which one is on what day.
Monday - Blue
Tuesday - Green
Thursday - Red
Friday - White
Saturday - Yellow
* No Wednesday and Sunday.
So, lets say, tomorrow is Monday, since today is Sunday, so tomorrow should be Monday right? What am I mumbling about? Anyway, if you want to buy Gardenia bread tomorrow (Monday), make sure to take the Blue twist tie, not White or Yellow, because that would be Fri and Sat bread which is not as fresh as the Mon freshly baked bread.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
I'm blank!
The "victim" is BASF Asia Pacific Service Centre Sdn Bhd
After I clicked to apply for the job, I was asked to answer the question "The benefits of 'Shared Services' in an organization". I had never heard of this "Shared Services" thingy before, so I did some googling and wiki'ing. And still, I have no idea what this thing is. Is this the sign of reading to much fiction books till I can't understand non-fiction?
So, what is my answer? Don't laugh!
I honestly don't CLEARLY understand what this "Shared Services" is. So here's what I understand after doing some "googling".
The benefits are:
Funding can be saved as the service is shared. The company can use the money to fund other project or department, hence making it run more effectively, and the most importantly is to run more EFFICIENTLY.
Just like the cost saving, other resources such as human resource can be allocated to work in other department and the employee can be fully utilized.
Again, honestly, I have no idea what this “Shared Services” really is and I’m being unprofessional by writing it here. So, thanks for your time, and hope you enjoy my writing.
Thanks again.
I still silently hope I will get this job. lol!~
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
So the story goes like this:
I was walking to monorail one day (before Raya holidays), and half way almost reach monorail station, two young Pmen (imagine those boys in the uniform that just get their first uniform) stopped me and arrogantly ask for my IC without identifying themselves first. I was in hurry so I just gave my IC let them see and didn't ask them anything. Then I continued my journey. Told my collegues about that and they asked me to just ignore them next time coz that were what they did. That same night I told my parents about the incident. Daddy didn't say anything, just tell me to ignore them but get their batch/badge number for him. So, after that day, I was looking for that young puppy which I can remember his face clearly. Another one has common face, so I don't remember much about him. But it was Raya holidays, so couldn't find them anywhere at that monorail area.
And today, Tuesday 29th, I was supposed to be happily walking home as I already finished the cheap ass-slaving thingy. But, damn it! They ruined my freaking mood. As I was walking towards my rented house from the monorail (at the monorail again), I heard someone calling me "Adik, adik, tunjuk IC". Hmmm, wait when did my brother comes KL visiting me and call me ADIK. Or, did my mom or dad has another big brother for me? Oh look, it was the man in blue. How cute! *sarcasm*
He said: "Tengok IC!"
Phei said: "Tengok ID."
He said: "Ya, tengok IC."
Phei said: "Ya, tengok ID."
He said: "Oh." He gave me and I hadn't seen it, he already put back into his wallet.
Phei said: "Jap, tengok sekali lagi." He gave me and I see his number and call my dad and gave him my IC.
Gave him the phone.
Dad said: "...."
He said: "Oh, Mr tut tut tut tut tut"
Dad said: "...."
He said: "Tak ade pape Tuan, cuma rutin check."
bla bla bla... The called ended.
Before he gave me back my IC, he wrote my detail into a form. Then he gave me back, and I walked back with victory.
I reached home, housemates ajak me go out YC, so I went shower early. After the shower, daddy called.
Dad said: "They called me and said that it was a routine criminal check thing. They said you were rude."
Phei said: "They weren't even identified themselves and ask for IC."
Dad said: "They were in full uniform. And they check everyone else."
Phei said: "There are many posers. Anyone can get police uniform anywhere. They checked everyone? Why they didn't check the Chinese guy in front of me? In whole Brickfields, with so many aliens here, I was checked twice! In a month! TWICE!!"
Dad said: "Well, they said it was rutin jenayah check (I can't remember the exact term, but something with jenayah word la). So I asked them back - My daughter looks like a criminal to you?".
bla bla bla...
His last sentence My daughter looks like a criminal to you? SWEAT! haha!~ May be I looked like someone who can kill the whole banglas in Brickfields. Or someone who can blew up KL Sentral in nano second. haha!~
But come to think about it, I have to admit that I was rude. hehe... What to do? I'm allergic to Scooby-Doo and Dalmatians, especially when those puppies berlagak nak mampus last time.
Whatever, there's only one thing I can say: Treat people as you would like them to treat you. When you represent an organization, all ur actions affect everyone inside. Ciao!~
Monday, September 28, 2009
Story About Crap Crab Clap
The lyric goes like this
spring break
there are no rules
gonna do it
by the pool
get drunk
break a’ dawn
this is how
I get it on
rub some lotion
on my back
massage it down
into my crack
the day is young
and I am hung
spring break is
so much fucking fun
but let me tell you kids
what my mom told me…
when you love someone
take it slow
don’t let them rape your bussy-hole
cause if he’s not wrapped
you’re ass is trapped
and you’ll end up with the clap
smelly whores
on the shore
love to take it
on all fours
dirty sluts
in the club
wanna get their
coochies rubbed
when you’re back
at motel 6
you’re craving cock
must get its fix
gang bang
squeal and moan
porno stars
your daddy’s home
but let me tell you kids
what Jesus says…
when you love someone
let it show
tell him that you’re a trashy ho
if you got a sling
and that’s your thing
that’s how your priest got the clap
gonnorhea, chlamydia, herpes and scabies
I don’t care if you’ve got crabs, I wanna have your babies
I’ll be your dirty doctor, and I’ll nurse you when you’re sick
And when you’re feeling better, I am gonna milk your dick
sperminate me
i’ll be the next pregnant man
you’ll see us on oprah
and we’ll live happily ever after…
and then she’ll marry us
and give us a free honeymoon to hawaii
because she’s oprah
and that’s what she does
but let me tell you kids
what Oprah says…
when you love someone
you will know
he’ll give your face
that special glow
but when his love grows stale
call up Gayle
cause she doesn’t have the clap
everybody sing along
let’s go back to the start of the song
ready mom?
when you love someone
take it slow
don’t let them rape your bussy-hole
cause if he’s not wrapped
you’re ass is trapped
and you’ll end up with the clap
u got the clap yet
everybody sing along
when you love someone
take it slow
don’t let them rape your bussy-hole
cause if he’s not wrapped
you’re ass is trapped
and you’ll end up with the clap
two more times
when you love someone
take it slow
don’t let them rape your bussy-hole
cause if he’s not wrapped
you’re ass is trapped
and you’ll end up with the clap
when you love someone
take it slow
don’t let them rape your bussy-hole
cause if he’s not wrapped
you’re ass is trapped
and you’ll end up with the clap
The song starts at 1:29. What say u? For me, LOL!~
P/S: At the end of the video 4:14, you can hear that there is someone speak Thai on the background.
It goes like this : All the passengers that are in this railway station, please... (fade)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
A Girl Named October
20 days left until October comes visit.
When she comes, I'll bring her to visit Dr Venkat at Jalan Putra so he can see how June, July, AUGUST (Did I tell you how much I hate August?) and September did to my face. They clogged my pores with some nasty things and caused me major breakout of my life. I'll let Dr Venkat teach them a big big lesson. Hope he can give them some punishment.
Then, I'll bring October to Star Hill at Star Parade to see some friends there, Jack and Chloe. So she can learn how to trim the split ends of my hair. Then do some treatment perhaps to restore back my crowning glory so I can be as pretty as ---> ermm, MYSELF? =)
After that, I pray that October won't make my dentist busy till she cancel my appointment again. I really need to do the veneer before starting my job(less) life.
While busy bringing October here and there, she will accompany me do the internship report which I already did some drafts and doodle and scribble and bubble. =) Then, together we will drive up to the deep jungle of Sintok and submit the report to Her Royal Highness who MUST give me an A for my excellent writing style.
Oh, and I'll bring October to survey and look for good webcam so I can record some thing for my dream and send them out to some relevant people. Wish me luck on that.
Those are things that I plan to do with my dearest October. Can't wait for her to come.
Miss the world greatest Mom.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Always Be My Baby
You won't be back, but I'm going to be with you sooner or later.
Just like the lyric goes saying: "It's only a matter of time".
Miss you dearly.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Story of Queen Mother
Friday, July 17, 2009
While reading back the quotes of my life, again, I couldn't believe myself that I actually wrote that. All the angst, the thoughts, the comments, rants in my head, I wrote them in words and posted them on my blog.
I started my first blog as a platform for me to publish my quotes, poems, stories and any creative shizzie that whispering in my head. I've always like to write, whether it is scribbling on my head or on a piece of paper. My only problem is I can't write in a book. I bought lots of books, lovely ones, with cute designs, and some scented. I even consider buying Moleskin notebook (google it if you don't know WTF is that), since it is such a hype, but too expensive for my budget. Whenever I scribble on the paper in a book, my idea just didn't flow comparing to writing on a piece of tissue paper or some draft paper.
Here are some of my scribbling scribbled pieces:
Poem and story is what I aimed to write at first, but now, blog has become my ranting spot. Sucks. Sort of.
Starting working life (ok,intern life), it's pretty tiring and time just isn't enough to do many things in life (such as sleeping, I need my 16 hours beauty sleep everyday). Back then, as a student, time is abundance. I wonder who wrote blog for Lim Kit Siang since his blog update as frequent as Perez Hilton. I thought he is a VERY busy politician.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Princess gotta work ya'll
I'm working at VideoEzy, Pavilion.
The Choice is Ezy.
Yeah right, my ass.
clean & conducive for me to take a nap
Next is the normal place people like me work
Most of the time, the supervisor will "control" the chair, and us, the silly staff, will get a special place to sit, which looks like this
Customers in VideoEzy HATE Angelina Jolie. Because, everyday they will step on her face.
Well, there's not much to say about this place, just that it has lots of discsss.
Till then, ciao!~
Friday, June 5, 2009
Princess of the North going down South
In case anyone interested to know about my well-being, here’s a little update:
I arrived at KL on the 28th night with two luggage for my four months internship.
One luggage of clothes and one luggage of my necessity, e.g:
Skin care
Body care
Sling bag
Electrical appliances (electric kettle, chargers and cables for camera, handphone, PSP, MP3 player)
HardDisk full with downloaded movies and series for four months supply
Mangkuk, spoon, fork, mug, and pot for my green tea
Green tea
Chasing Harry Winston, To Kill a Mockingbird, Tuesdays with Morrie
Etc etc
~Those are my necessity~
I stayed at Bukit Jalil, my sis’s boyfriend apartment (flat?) for few days until 31st . Then I start staying in my rented room at Jalan Something Samad (can't remember), very very near to KL Sentral and Tun Sambathan Monorail.
The room is spacious and can fit three people and live comfortably. It’s a shophouse lot. Very convenience with 7-eleven nearby and food stalls (Chinese, Indian, Malay food all got).
Here’s the picture of the room:
And the big wardrobe!!!
Housemates are very friendly. All working.
Anyone wants to crash at my place, welcome. Just need to bring your own blanket, pillow and bed. :p
I’ll update about my workplace soon…
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Do u know where rainbows end?
It got me thinking: Can best friend be soulmate? According to the book, Yes (oops, spoiler here!). According to my experience, sadly, N-O, No.
He had always been my friend. But things just didn't work out the way we wanted, or can say, how I want it to be. Honestly, I resented myself for saying "yes", for we could still be friends now.
From the bottom of my heart, I wish to say: "I miss you, my friend."
And another evil voice in my head say: " Screw you!" haha!~
So, anyway, those that haven't read this book yet, I highly recommend you to read it, as well as other books by Ahern. She, by far, is a talented young author in my favourite author list.
This is the book:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
New Home! New Home!
Just moving here from spaces.live.com.
View my previous entries at http://pheisrilika.spaces.live.com/
Hope u guys enjoy my piece...
Phei V.